"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap
toast on a cats back and drop it?"

~ Stephen Wright

Friday, February 3, 2012


What is the deal with toilets? Let me name a few reasons why!

  1. They are obnoxiously loud
  3. They have water inside of them
  4. They are too shiny
  5. improper- after you dump your waste in it, why would you want to let the whole world know you just did it?
  6. Litter boxes are better.
  7. Unlike the litter box, You can't stand in it. 
  8. Because I like to have a whole room of toilet. 
  9. You can't choose 'where to go'
  10. I just don't like them. 
I mean really!?
No one wants to have this look on their face!

Do you see the look on that cats face? The poor thing is absolutely horrified! Oh, just the sight of a toilet sends shivers down my spine. I Pity all cats who don't have a litter box and are forced to go on the toilet. Let us have a moment of silence..... For those cats.......

Catatonic on the toilet
{Photo Credit: JoyceKK

~ Jasper

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