"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap
toast on a cats back and drop it?"

~ Stephen Wright

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hello, its me again..

So this saturday, my mom, uncle, aunt and grandparents were all in Lafayette to go to a music festival. They stayed the night at a friends house there.
And boy did we party! Sid and I had the craziest party of all time, including sleeping on the couch and sneaking outside and inviting a lot of friends!!
Actually, we did not party. The most exiting thing that happened was that on sunday morning, the dog ate my food. Stupid-head. I love him though! But anyway, because he ate my food in the morning, and my family didn't come home until around 4:00, I wasn't fed until 4:15!!!!! I was starving by then! Grrrrr....

Let us change the subject to a happier matter. My best friend is, after a lot of persuading, becoming a model like me! Only famous to the family... and some friends... but it is still a cool occupation.
He recently had a photoshoot it is unofficially untitled. Here is a picture that I thought was quite dashing:

My pretty doggy :)
Isn't it just grand!?!?

Well I've not much to say today, so I'll have to leave this blogpost as a small one. 

It is time for my departure, so, tootaloo!

~ Jasper 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

New Stuff!

If you haven't noticed, I've changed my blog header. Do you like it? Dislike it? I wasn't sure if I liked that or the old blog banner, it had a picture of me.. Oh! here it is!:
Do you like this better than the current Banner/Header?

Well just leave an answer in comment! (if you don't mind) 

Today I've had a swell day, not chinese torture yet- you know what I mean. I was fed on time and I bit the dog- He should really take a bath more often. He returned the gesture with an unnecessarily slobbery kiss right on my ear!!!! EEEWW!!! I wish I had opposable thumb. If I did, Maybe I'd tie him to his bed. Make him stay there for ever!!1 Muahahaha- no, I'd most likely just throw the dog toy for him. I love that doggy :)

 My favorite song this week is called "I got a gal in Kalamazoo- Glenn Miller"


I love it!! My mother has it on Vinyl, Mmmm I think its the best record she has- she likes them all- but I like this one best... All of the tuxedos! I would love to go back to that time, I would be so fashionable then! I am also in love with this song: Habanera sung by Maria Callas


Totally different time.... but still! I love a wide range of music!!!

Indeed... well, It is time for me to say "Fair well!" or, "Au revior!" 

~ Jasper

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bonjour, mes amis! (hello my friends, in french)

You know, I was thinking of learning french... But that isn't the point of this blogpost.... I am in a terrible predicament. Much like chinese torture, you know... the water dripping thing.... only with this song:

I liked it the first hundred times I heard it......

Don't you? But my mother learned it on the piano... she does a good job.. its just that she does it twelve times a day. So its stuck in my head. ALL THE TIME. Dripping in my ears like chinese torture. I'm going to go crazy someday. 

Other than the excessive song singing, I've been fine lately! I mean, this morning I hardly got bugged at all! I was fed on time (8:00 SHARP) and I even got some attention while my mom drank her morning coffee. Life is good. 

Earlier, yesterday, my mother and grandparents hint that they are probably going to some festival in Lafayette... whatever that is. AND they said they'd be gone all weekend. WHAT??? But thats okay, I will be the laziest cat on the face of the earth all weekend long. heeheehee 

What have you been up to? I've been listening (against my will) to one song, eavesdropping about festivals, eating, sleeping, and much more interesting things like basking in that delicious, scrumptious, luxurious, sun of mine...

~ Jasper

Friday, April 20, 2012

How do you fair?

Hello! How do you fair? I fair fine thank you! Just fine.

You see, this week was crazy.... everyday had something planned. Except today, of course, tomorrow we are having company. But me? I had a sudden laziness-craving. I laid in the beautiful sun, basking in it, soaking it up- while my family cleaned the house. Of course today will be the same, I will lay in the sun until my skin feels like it has shrunk, then.. I'll roll over and shrink the other side so it matches.

 The other day, was lovely, My Aunt and Uncle were dramatically Opera singing in the backyard, dancing around and making the funniest faces. I watched them intently, soaking up everything they did- if I haven't mentioned, being an "Opera Star" is my big dream for when my mother moves out and becomes an actress, It wouldn't be that hard to get a part in an Opera.

 What is your big dream for the future my readers?

~ Jasper

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One of those times

You know those times when you really have nothing to say? Well... this is one of them. I could think of something.. but it would be a pointless subject of discussion. I'll try though.


I've thought for a good time, and have come up with nothing. Absolutely NOTHING! Grrr..

But I've hopes for tomorrow!!! :D

~ Jasper (The cat with very short writers block)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hello, hello, hello!

As you might have noticed by the title of this blogpost.... I am having a wonderful day today (so far)!!! To my satisfaction, I have finally had a comment from someone who isn't related to me!

(Grandma and Great Grandma- I'm not saying that I don't enjoy your comments)

It's just cool, that friends are posting now!

Anyway... We have other things to discuss. So grab a coffee and take a seat!
Yesterday, my oldest uncle left. The dog had a bath, and I have a feeling my nails are going to get trimmed. What a horrid thing. Don't you know when your mother gives you that look? No? Yes? Well mothers have many looks, and I, being precisely 4 years, 6 months and three hours old, know how to differentiate between them all.

Glare= stop chewing on the knitting that your grandmother works hard on!
Raised eyebrow= you are the weirdest cat in kitty history.
Puckered lips= I'm gonna sqeeeeeeze you 'cause I love you SOOO much!
Blank look, then a smile= hi cat.
Pleading, painful expression= STOP KNEADING MY BELLY WITH YOUR SHARP NAILS!!!!!

Get ready for it... the new look is:

Expression as if you were a giraffe stuck in mud wearing striped socks, doused in orange juice and trying to learn the Viennese Waltz = I am going to trim your nails.

Its terrible. The things you have to go through to be a cat. Being a cat is hard, tiring, and terrifying.
Can't you see??

I have to bask in the sun and writher like a worm!

I have to attend fancy tea parties!
Tea Party

I have to attend photo shoots!

Photoshoot With Jasper!

AND I have to protect the family of six people from vicious bugs- Yet, I still get tortured by their "loving" hugs and squeezes!!!

Photoshoot with Jasper


I'm still having a good day! Are you?

~ Jasper

Monday, April 9, 2012

The clan is home at last...

Ahhh... they're home. My family has returned after their (too long) trip to see family in New York.
The lovely miniature catastrophes due to the fact that it was eight thirty PM, so it was time to put the legos away- are back. The wonderful torture that the small children bring upon me, along with my mother smothering me when she innocently tries to hug me- my aunt and uncle do this to me also.

 I surprisingly did miss when my mother would wake up and I would have to wake her up all the way so she could feed me, when my grandfather would 'pet' me so hard that I shook, when my grandmother put flea medicine on me (which is dreadful), 
and when my uncle would "tickle" me.


and most of all... I actually liked it when my mother dressed me in a child's clothes.....

Classy Jasper
{You have to admit, I looks quite classy!}

 All I'm trying to say, is that no matter how much I may complain, grumble and moan about being pestered whenever my family is around, I sure do love it when they're home.
