"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap
toast on a cats back and drop it?"

~ Stephen Wright

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

And the truth is revealed...

The truth is revealed. I am a dog. No, not really, that isn't the truth that is about to be revealed, it is this:
The black mongrel (temporarily called Solo, instead of 'kitten') is... cute.
Even if he thinks the dog is his mother, and he tried to nurse off of him without success.
There, I said it... and it's true... I played with him today. I even gave him a scratchy-cat-tongue-lick right on the top of his head, randomly.
Photo credit Gypsy Forest
See? How can he not be cute?
I think I went too far with that last comment... but anyway, hopefully, we have found him a home. They say we can't keep the kitten because him and I will start peeing to mark our territory- who thought up that stupid idea? The last time I heard two cats peeing in any other place but their own litter box (which is absolutely horrifying) is when they got kicked out of it by the other cat! And clearly, Solo- or I- would never do such a thing. And anyway, about the peeing to mark territory thing.. we wouldn't have to mark our territory in the first place because it is all, obviously, mine. 

  I think it is terrible, the things that humans assume about cats. I mean, a guy walked in the door, and said, 'even the cat's greeting me!' and he laughed. Do people assume that cats aren't polite? Oh, and they say, 'oh he's probably nice because he isn't too smart!' but you know what? If I hissed at the kids, or anyone who tortured me in their casual way, or bit them, I would get in huge trouble and sent to my room, while the kids would pretend to cry! Such lies are absolutely ridiculous. I do not hiss, scratch (intentionally), or bite because I will be punished. And I'm too nice. 

Well that just about wraps it up for the day! 

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