And boy did we party! Sid and I had the craziest party of all time, including sleeping on the couch and sneaking outside and inviting a lot of friends!!
Actually, we did not party. The most exiting thing that happened was that on sunday morning, the dog ate my food. Stupid-head. I love him though! But anyway, because he ate my food in the morning, and my family didn't come home until around 4:00, I wasn't fed until 4:15!!!!! I was starving by then! Grrrrr....
Let us change the subject to a happier matter. My best friend is, after a lot of persuading, becoming a model like me! Only famous to the family... and some friends... but it is still a cool occupation.
He recently had a photoshoot it is unofficially untitled. Here is a picture that I thought was quite dashing:
Isn't it just grand!?!?
Well I've not much to say today, so I'll have to leave this blogpost as a small one.
It is time for my departure, so, tootaloo!
~ Jasper
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