"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap
toast on a cats back and drop it?"

~ Stephen Wright

Monday, September 24, 2012

People can be so speciest.

Hello friends...
I was browsing the web when I found this:

Can you believe it? This is so speciest! This is not okay! This picture is insinuating that cats have no emotions, yet dogs do! That is quite rude. Whoever drew this picture obviously had not ever met a cat before. Only those hyperactive dogs. It's quite sad really, I mean could you even imagine what life would be like without a cat in your house? Could you? It would be terrible! Think of how much you benefit from having a cat! let's make a list.
  1. No one would catch the bugs that come in your house... if you had no cat.
  2. You couldn't be cheered up by rubbing your face in a cat's belly when your sad- if you had no cat.
  3. Who would attack your feet when you walked to the bathroom at 12:00 AM? if you had no cat...
  4. Who would you play with? if you had no cat...
See? Humans. Need. cats. It's simply a necessity for them to have a cat living in their house. Trust me. Humans can't live without us. We are vital to their health- because we are just so fluffy... humans need fluffy things.

Well, I have to go so...

1 comment:

  1. Um okay, dogs can eat bugs and you can play with dogs and I don't want anything attacking my feet.
