"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap
toast on a cats back and drop it?"

~ Stephen Wright

Thursday, August 30, 2012

a few entries in jasper's journal...

Dear Journal,

Help us! We're going down! Hurricane Issac is here! Water is coming from the sky! Branches the size of elephants are falling all over the place! The wind is so strong that cars are blowing away in the wind! Thunder so loud that our ears are ringing! Aaaaaaaaa we're gonna diiieee...... it was nice knowing you.... *snob snurp... gurgle*...
I can't believe that life could be so cruel to me.....

Date: August, 29, 2012
Time: 3:46 PM


Hello... I am Jasper's (very patient) mother.
I am here to warn you that My son, Jasper, is absolutely exaggerating. Being a cat, he has a terrible fear of rain, so a light mist would set him off on a spiel about 'how life could be so cruel to him'. The branches that have fallen are no bigger than him, and the wind is going 75 miles per hour but that is certainly not enough to lift a car up off the ground and into the sky- more like a bunch of loose branches on the oak trees in our yard. The thunder... is not very loud at all, and, it only started today (August 30). I myself did not hear a single crack of thunder yesterday. We are not going to die. 
~Jasper's (ever so patient) mother.


Dear Journal, 

Well... I feel ridiculous. I didn't die. I panicked like a kitten... A very fearful kitten. At the time... I felt as if I was going to die, and I was very afraid... but, I guess I was a little off. My mother told me everything was going to be fine, and... I guess she was alright.

~(A very abashed) Jasper
Date: August, 30, 2012
Time: 1:41 PM

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