"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap
toast on a cats back and drop it?"

~ Stephen Wright

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My goodness GRACIOUS

Hello my readers, I lied; you see I thought I wasn't going to post until Monday or Tuesday- JOY!- I was mistaken.
So today my Aunt showed me this absolutely positively embarresing email she sent to my mother. I trust you, so here it is.....

To: jaspersmom@yahoo.com
From: auntiesoph@gmail.com
Subject: Hello from Louisiana!

Dearest Sister,
Oh my gosh, I miss you A LOT!! You have 6 tomatoes on your plant and we found an owl feather! A BARRED OWL feather!!!!!!!

But that wasn't the reason I wanted to email you! Here it is:
So the other day I said to Jasper, "Jasper, do you miss your mama?" and I swear he squeezed me!!!! It was so adorable! I just love your cat!


Now readers, I want to confirm that this is an absolute and utter lie- though I did squeeze her... not for the reason to be.. ugh...  cute. gross.

To: auntiesoph@gmail.com
From: jaspersmom@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Hello from Louisiana!

Dearest Sister,
I miss you SOO much too! That is awesome that my tomatoes (tommy-toes) are actually producing something!! And the owl feather! SOO awesome!! :D

Yes, that is pretty cute- and I would like to correct you (for Jas's sake) he is not 'my cat', he is 'my son'.


Can you believe it?!?! Oh, the humiliation! And by the way.. I don't care what I am called as long as I am not called 'Garfield'.... that dreadful insult.



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